© 2013-2020 All rights reserved. EcoLife Innovations LLC. In partnership with WooBamboo!
As much of our packaging as possible is sourced from recycled materials. The papers, the plastics, all of it.
This means that here at WooBamboo, we do our best to truly embody; Reduce, reuse, recycle. We try to set this example with the hope that our partners and costumers are inspired to do the same!
WooBamboo has been an industry leader when it comes to utilizing sustainable, planet-friendly materials at every opportunity.
Our principals of innovation and creativity are the backbone of how we operate. From our products to their packaging, we do our best to set a high standard for materials while keeping our planet and integrity in full focus!
All of our bamboo is ethically harvested from sustainably grown Moso bamboo forests. The forests are grown naturally and pesticide-free.
Bamboo is one of the most sustainable resources on our planet. Not only is it stronger than steel, but it has natural growth cycle that’s decades shorter than that of most other hard wood materials allowing regrowth to occur incredibly quickly!
Thank you so much for your interest in carrying our products! We’re flattered & so happy to hear that you’re taking your business in an eco-friendly direction! With our rapid growth we have found that the best way for retailers to get our products is through one of our distribution partners…
Utilizing the list above, you can be redirected to any of the distributors direct websites to get information about ordering through them!
You’re looking to carry WooBamboo in your store? Amazing! We look forward to working with you! Please email orders@woobamboo.com for wholesale information and pricing.
Yes! We offer special dental pricing! You can contact our Dental Associate through the form on our dental office wholesale page, here. Go ahead and fill it out and someone from the Woo Crew will get back to you shortly.
The best kind – from a real life human being! We’d be happy to speak with you about any questions or concerns you may have! simply email smiles@woobamboo.com or call 855.966.2262
If you are a retailer or distributor located outside of the US, and are interested in carrying WooBamboo products, please email orders@woobamboo.com. A member of our international sales team will be happy to assist you.
© 2013-2020 All rights reserved. EcoLife Innovations LLC. In partnership with WooBamboo!